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DM offers more than 13,000 products for beauty and health care. Constantly keeping in mind the changing needs of our customers, we offer a wide range of organic foods and natural cosmetics. We have been present in Hungary for more than 20 years, nowadays we offer a wide range of 25 DM branded products in our shops. (Product categories distributed: Facial care, pet food, baby food, organic food, decoration, decor cosmetics, electric appliances, medicine, hair care, household accessories, hygiene products, light bulbs, foot care, sunbathing, natural cosmetics, paper, perfume, oral care, eyeglasses, body care, textile, toiletry, cleaning products.)

Since February 2018, nearly 8,000 products are available in the DM web shop.


Gift wrapping (e.g. making diaper cakes)

DM Gift Card


Free WI-FI

Waste management

NFC payment option

Consulting in DM


web: www.dm.hu

Facebook: www.facebook.com/dm.Magyarorszag/

Instagram: www.instagram.com/dm_magyarorszag/

Customer Service: 0680 / 368-386

Email: info@dm.hu

Payment instruments accepted in the store:

Cash (Forint)

Bank card

Own voucher (DM gift card)

Ticket Compliments Top Premium

Ticket Restaurant

OTP Cafeteria

Opti Meal Voucher

Opti Gift Voucher

Multi Pay Cafeteria

Post Palette

Gift Erzsébet Voucher

Erzsébet Voucher for Child Protection

School Erzsébet Voucher

Erzsébet Voucher for Meals

VAT refund (TAX FREE) is possible

Health Fund Cards

Store number: 43-44
Phone number: +36 80 368 368



Premier Outlet Budapest
Üzlet 43-44
Budaörsi út 4.
2051 Biatorbágy

+36 80 368 368