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Aprópolisz - the first Playmobil playhouse in the world.

Aprópolisz is unique not only in Hungary, but also the world over. Aprópolisz has been designed and built specifically for children, with only children in mind.
It is a special, unique and sophisticated home for the fantasy world of children. Apart from filling a space with useful things, we have managed to build a dream world, inside and out, for CHILDREN. Aprópolisz has its own history, atmosphere and spirit. It captures your imagination, and allows an insight into the deepest recesses of a child’s soul. As in a dream, children have the opportunity to live through all the beauty the world of imagination has to offer. It invites to play, allows to play, and encourages to play together.

Aprópolisz is the playhouse for CHILDREN’S IMAGINATION – a house for role playing.

Dear Parent, Dear Children,

We built this place for you with love. Imagine that you are here.

Enjoy playing and have a nice time growing up and a childhood full of excitement.


Store number: FC101
Opening Hours: M-F: 12 AM - 20 PM, Sa-Su: 10 AM-20 PM, Telephone (only in opening hours) +36 70 199 69 88



Premier Outlet Budapest
Üzlet FC101
Budaörsi út 4.
2051 Biatorbágy

+36 70 199 6988