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Helly Hansen

The Helly Hansen brand was founded in 1877 in Moss, Norway, and has since helped those who have to deal with the elements when at work or during their adventure. The garments are designed based on Scandinavian design and to accommodate the most extreme weather conditions to give confidence to professionals in their struggle with the power of nature during their work.

The company produced the first waterproof material in the world 140 years ago, and in the 1960s introduced the first midlayer of Propile™ fleece. In the 1970s, the company introduced the first technical baselayer made with LIFA® Stay Dry technology, and nowadays it has introduced the award-winning H2Flow temperature control technology.

Helly Hansen is the leader in the distribution of technical sailing outfits. In addition, the brand’s outfits are worn by more than 50,000 professionals working in more than 100 ski resorts around the world, as well as being a favourite of climbers, top athletes, Olympians and sophisticated hikers. Helly Hansen’s outerwear, underwear, sportswear and shoes are currently available in over 40 countries around the world.

To learn more about Helly Hansen’s latest collections, visit www.hellyhansen.com.

Store number: 5
Phone number: +36 23 448 811


Helly Hansen

Premier Outlet Budapest
Üzlet 5
Budaörsi út 4.
2051 Biatorbágy

+36 23 448 811